Oh, I just discovered new monsters in the game recently too. I just want to turn the lights on and tell myself that it’s not real and play a nice city building game instead, but I’m trying to motivate myself to make some progress on it. It’s dark, you can barely see what’s in front of you at times and often I wonder straight into a shambling monster. This game is 2D side-scrollng and yet it’s utterly terrifying. I however, have been blasting the hell out of anything that has come close to me. However, if you are clever enough you can play the game without firing a single shot, by sneaking by enemies using your wits. Armed with only a handgun, you must manage your sanity, hunger and ammo supplies. The hardest ghost for me in the second game is the Kusabi, only certain shots will work on him, and, unlike Kirie, he is literally a one-hit killer, even if you have a Stone Mirror, he doesn't care about such a tiny little stone. Your only chance of survival is to go in search of other survivors, beginning in your apartment building. Their flesh is soft and easily harmed, but up close they are deadly. You are the lone survivor of a terrible disease that has turned the worlds population into mindless, shambling and shuffling monsters. It’s a 2D, indie survival-horror by Jasper Byrne called “Lone Survivor”. My current scary game is on hold… Because it’s way too scary. I loved the first 4 “Resident Evil” games but they never really scared me beyond a cheap GOTCHA moment…then I’d shoot the zombies and move on. I find the games when you don’t have a gun (or the hero is not so good with a gun) are the scariest. So I had to go back to my save and play through that part again (only to discover that the bloody girl was just my reflection in the bathroom mirror and if I had waited three more seconds, it would have all gone back to normal in a flash).
#Dreadout game find the little girl ghost ps2#
I actually screamed, through the controller and in that moment my fingers hit “START” and “SELECT” on the PS2 controller…which rebooted the whole system. I was so tense, gripping the controller in fear, and as you walk in the walls start to bleed and I suddenly saw a girl covered in blood right in front of me. I freaked out and turned my character around but the door was now locked so I *had* to walk into the bathroom. Now youre in an other small circle, but unlike the othet one therere quite a lot of things here. You will find a small gap between the stone walls with a wierd looking winged gate in it.

I can remember one moment in particular, in the beginning, when you are wandering through the mall and I walked into the bathroom and as you go in, you hear something hitting the stall door. From the girls turn a little bit to the left and start going. Played and completed would be Silent Hill 3.

I never got any further than that because my heart just couldn’t handle it. I barely got through the first few minutes, I was so terrified and once the story started, with the little Japanese girls wandering the gray, empty streets with only a camera to “fight” the ghosts with, I was actually shaking. Played would be “Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly”.